There’s got to be some technology that does this. No sploofs!
Currently i crack a window, put a small square fan in it, and blow my exhaust through the fan. I use a vaporizer which cuts down the smell a lot, but there is still a lingering odor the night of, and sometimes the following morning.
I would prefer no odor at all, immediately. Any help is appreciated.
There’s no way of avoiding it. Regular weed smokers think they don’t stink of it when they do, so you’re not going to get helpful advice from the smoking community. Smoke outside to avoid a lingering smell in your home. But your hair, skin, clothes (and breath if you’re slack on oral hygiene like most smokers) will still smell of weed. Stick to edibles if you don’t want to smell like a teenager.
I agree on this. Or you could vape concentrates and not worry about smell. Just be careful.
Cooking can be pretty darn dank. There was this time someone at my dorm tried to make ‘weed butter’, and the whole second floor smelled like weed. It was one of the strongest smells I’ve smelled in my life, even though I was far from the chefs.
I wonder if there are cooking methods that aren’t as dank…
Although, to be fair, eating an already-cooked edible will probably not smell. I guess this is what you mean, Calhoon2005.
When I vaporize, the smell doesn’t last very long. Not sure what kind of weed or vaporizer you use though.
I’ve never tried it, but I heard good things about Smoke Buddy
Back in the day we used to stuff dryer sheets in an empty toilet paper roll.
I just googled it and it’s called a “sploof.”
Anyway, you blow your exhale through that, and it smells like dryer sheets.