No, we are nowhere close to learning as the human brain does. We don’t even really understand how it does at all.
Sorry then if I sound like a broken record but again, doesn’t that mean that the analogy itself is flawed? If the goal remain the same but there is close to no explanatory power, even if we do get pragmatically useful result (i.e. it “works” in some useful cases) it’s basically “just” inspiration, which is nice but is basically branding more than anything else.
Google was “cool” 2 decades ago… or before they combined both monetization (through ad) with power (through monopoly) they inexorably transformed EXACTLY to Microsoft the same way Facebook/Meta did the Google playbook.
Those huge tech corporations are pulled by the market to follow the same, sadly successful, strategy playbook and keep no uniqueness.
Google has been the new Microsoft for years already but through careful marketing consumers somehow believe they aren’t.