The number of times I got a word doc with the job description in it is ridiculous as well. Yes, I am judging you if you do that.
A PDF is also editable, sure, but at least everyone can open the goddamn thing without any problems.
The number of times I got a word doc with the job description in it is ridiculous as well. Yes, I am judging you if you do that.
A PDF is also editable, sure, but at least everyone can open the goddamn thing without any problems.
At the very least, do so for the infrastructure. I don’t mind companies trying to sell me the service competitively, but the infrastructure should allow for a competitive market.
I think you misinterpreted what I meant. It was written from the perspective of a person who gets job offers in word files, mostly on LinkedIn. Like, just write it out in your message. I’m not opening files random people send me via any platform, much less LinkedIn, get real.