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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I’m using rustic, a lock-free rust-written drop-in-replacement of restic, which (I’m referring to restic and therefore in extension to rustic) supports always-encrypted, deduplicating, compressed and easy backups without you needing to worry about whether to do a full- or incremental-backup.

    All my machines run hourly backups of all mounted partitions to an append-only repo at borgbase. I have a file with ignore pattern globs to skip unwanted files and dirs (i.e.: **/.cache).

    While I think borgbase is ok, ther’re just using hetzner storage boxes in the background, which are cheaper if you use them directly. I’m thinking of migrating my backups to a handfull of homelabs from trusted friends and family instead.

    The backups have a randomized delay of 5m and typically take about 8-9s each (unless big new files need to be uploaded). They are triggered by persistent systemd-timers.

    The backups have been running across my laptop, pc and server for about 6 months now and I’m at ~380 GiB storage usage total.

    I’ve mounted backup snapshots on multiple occasions already to either get an old version of a file, or restore it entirely.

    There is a tool called redu which is like ncdu but works on restic/rustic repos. This makes it easy to identify which files blow up your backup size.

  • If you connect to the network and open firefox, it will display a toast to open the corresponding captive portals page. You can then login through that. Given that your VPN isn’t blocking unencrypted connections etc.

    Extrapolation of partial knowledge warning

    I assume the network advertises a captive portals url and identifies you based on your MAC address.

    The config is server-side (router).

  • What is the overall goal of this build?

    There’s no overall goal to the project. It’s just the result of me tinkering with my systems from time to time (I’m allocating a bit less than three hours each day to coding on personal projects to improve my skills, some of that time flows into my nixos config).

    I am very new to nixOS and am interested in it. Specifically for ansible scripts to build out easily replicateable docker hosts for lab.

    I’ve extensively used docker/compose before I switched my systems to NixOS, since then I’ve barely touched it.

    The thing with Ansible and Docker is that you mostly define the steps you want your systems to automatically go through to reach a specific state.

    Nix[1] approaches the problem the other way around. You define the state you want to have, and Nix solves for the steps that need to be taken to reach that state.

    If you want to try your hands at that concept, I recommend installing just Nix on one of your test machines and trying out development shells/devshells with it.

    For example the SwayFX repo contains a flake.nix providing a devShell. This allows everyone working on the project to just run nix develop in the cloned repo, or nix develop github:WillPower3309/swayfx without cloning the repo to enter the development environment.

    This can be combined with tools like direnv to automatically setup development environments, based on the current directory.

    If you want a more encompassing example of what Nix can provide, take a look at:

    • nixified.ai
    • This presentation by Matthew Croughan on Nix-Flakes and Dockerfiles.

    I have also considered it for switching my primary desktop and laptops as being able to have the same OS with everything the way I like it is also intriguing.

    While I personally think NixOS is one of the most potent software in existence, and a computer without feels less capable for me, I do not recommend it easily.

    Just take a look at hlissner’s FAQ on his system config (which I greatly agree with).

    That said, I initially tried NixOS on my PC and pushed the config to a git-forge. I then installed the base NixOS ISO on my laptop and told it to build the config from git. And that worked flawlessly.

    In leaving the PC unattended for about 20mins, it went from a full Gnome desktop to my Sway setup.

    That’s the point when I was sold.

    Sorry for theate response. P.S. I love your wallpaper.

    Don’t worry about the late reponse ^^

    The wallpaper can be build with nix build sourcehut:~sntx/nix-bg#abstract-liquid btw.

    1. The “package manager” that NixOS is build around. Though I think of it more as a “build system” - not to be confused with Nix, the language the build “scripts” are written in. ↩︎

  • My system configuration can be found on git.sr.ht/~sntx/flake. I’ve linked the file tree pinned to the version 0.1.1 of my config, since I’m currrently restructuring the entire config[1] as the current tree is non-optimal[2].

    The documentation in the README in combination with the files should cover most of what I’ve described, with the following exception: disko is not present to the repo yet, since I’ve set it up with a forked version of my config and the merge depends on finishing the restructuring of my system configuration.

    • You can take a look at these (non-declarative) installation steps to get an idea on how TMPFS as root can be setup
    • If you’re interested, I can also DM you the disko expression for it

    1. The goal is to provide definitions for desktops, user-packages, system-packages, themes and users. Each system can then enable a set of users, which in turn have their own desktop, user-packages and theme. A system can also enable system-packages for itself, independent of users. If a user is enabled that has a desktop set, the system will need to have display-manager set as well, which should launch the users configured desktop. ↩︎

    2. The current config assumes a primary user, and can only configure a single DE and apply the application/service configs only to that user. ↩︎

    • NixOS
      • disko + nixos-anywhere (automatic partitioning & remote installation of new systems)
      • stylix (system-wide theming)
      • agenix (secret management)
      • impermanence (managing persistent data)
      • nixos containers for sandboxing applications & services (using systemd-nspawn)
    • TMPFS as /
    • LUKS
      • BTRFS as /nix (might try bcachefs)
      • SWAP partition (= RAM size, to susbend to disk)
    • Greetd with TUIgreet (DM)
    • SwayFX (WM)
    • Kitty & foot (term)
    • Nushell (shell)
    • Helix (editor)
    • Firefox (browser)
    • slackhq/nebula (c.f. self-hosted tailscale, connecting my systems beyond double NATs)

    EDIT1: fix “DE” -> “DM”