• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • united, indivisible republic

    So no federalism anymore, just one centralized state power.

    All baronial and other feudal estates, all mines, pits etc. shall be converted into state property

    The mortgages on peasant farms shall be declared state property

    All private banks will be replaced by a state bank

    All means of transport: railways, canals, steamships, roads, posts etc. shall be taken in hand by the state

    So the state owns and manages all land, all finances, all infrastructure, and all means of mass transportation, on top of all the things the state controls already.

    Idk what you think centralization of power looks like, but imo this is it.

  • Why stop half way? All you need is a benevolent dictator, shouldn’t be too hard to find, right?

    Some of these points are good, some are just absurd. Letting “the state” handle everything and hold all the cards, and then actually believing that it won’t be coerced and corrupted or that there won’t be strong disagreements about how to handle things is just delusional and wishful thinking on a grand scale imo.

    I agree that most modern countries need to strenghen the public sector, but you still need checks and balances between powers, individual responsibilities and freedoms, real-world economic feedback and incentives, and so on.

  • Cause it’s one big part of why the Fediverse and Lemmy exist in the first place.

    We wouldn’t need all this decentralization overhead if centralized sites were trustworthy and focussed on serving their users. The fact that they are not is what leads to privacy violations and enshittification, hence why people created the Fediverse and why we are here (at least most of us I presume).

  • I unironically think that quality political satire is a good way to engage with politics.

    It often cuts right through the BS and talks about issues that regular news or talk shows are afraid to touch. Also, it’s always clear that what’s being said is the opinion/interpretation of the artist, so you’re encouraged to think about it for yourself and see what you agree or disagree with.

    You have to be careful not to rely on it too much, and also use other forms of media to inform yourself, but it definitely helps when trying to get into political subjects.

  • There are a few variations in German:

    • (hin)zugießen/dazugießen (pour one liquid into another)
    • (hin)zuschütten/dazuschütten (also including rubble/powder/…)
    • (hin)zugeben/dazugeben/hineingeben/beimischen/hineinmischen (also including solids, basically add+mix)
    • (hin)einrühren (also stir the mixture)
    • zusammengießen (pour liquids into each other)
    • zusammenschütten (also including rubble/powder/…)
    • zusammenmischen (also including solids, basically combine+mix)
    • zusammenrühren (also stir the mixture)

    Ofc all of them are combinations of existing words: (hin)zu/dazu≈added to that, bei≈with, (hin)ein=into, gießen/schütten=pour, schutt=rubble, geben=give, rühren=stir, mischen=mix, zusammen=together. You could probably build many more, but those are the ones I think are fairly common, and also found entries in German online dictionaries for.

    German is really just an elaborate word construction project.