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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s a thin ice you’re walking here… Some people appreciate the support, some people don’t like when work contacts get into their personal feelings territory.

    It’s highly dependent on how close your interpersonal relationship is with co-worker, what I’d avoid for sure is suddenly closing the distance just because you know he is trans and you can tell recent events are affecting him.

  • Opinionated piece with no substance or analysis, author already has some answer in mind and is trying to spin everything around to support it.

    Just to illustrate:

    That’s why Zuckerberg bought Instagram: he had been turning the screws on Facebook users, and when Instagram came along, millions of those users decided that they hated Zuck more than they loved their friends and so they swallowed the switching costs and defected to Instagram. In an ill-advised middle-of-the-night memo to his CFO, Zuck defended spending $1b on Instagram on the grounds that it would recapture those Facebook escapees:


    In this very link, in court-released emails Zuck states they’re buying Instagram because they have good growth and Facebook mobile usability is shit. It’s just 2 different types of social networks, back in 2012 you couldn’t even DM on Instagram, it wasn’t a replacement for Facebook by any means and vice versa. Zuck was just not happy that people spend their phone screen time outside of his reach.

  • I’m clueless european now living in a country where guns are generally available to trained and vetted to some degree public and I was always puzzled by US self-defense culture, some parts of it simply do not compute to me.

    Like how does it work? Are gun owners in America spending reasonable amount of time at the range? Any gun is as good as your training. Safe handling should be muscle memory at the very least to promote an individual from a danger to themselves and people around (not necessarily to an attacker) to someone who is able to hold a gun. Then comes actual shooting practice, which will improve chances of achieving intended things with this gun.

    Also strange obsession with high-power calibers, even knowledgeable gun bloggers mentioning things like .357 magnum in self-defense context. Did people really try to shoot them indoors without hearing protection? Do they really mind what’s behind their target, i.e your kid sleeping in the room next door. High-powered round is a responsibility, however a lot of people talk about them like they are toys.

    I really hope I’m missing something or maybe gun handling culture is really common knowledge over there not worth mentioning, because looking at the general public pretty much everywhere I’ve been - there’s no way I’d trust them with a gun. It takes some dedication to learn, even if it seems simple.