Dodecahedron December

I try things on the internet.

rarely, shit just works.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Inspiration for building something hit me when the following things happened:

    • I learned that small amounts of electricity can be harvested from a single drop of rainwater, both from the kinetic energy and shorting two electrodes. I don’t know the how, but I’ve seen something like 200mV from a small trickle of water from a faucet.
    • I moved to a place that where it rains a lot and bought a house with which I could do some experiments. This house is also on a slope.
    • I got a 3d printer.

    I figured that I could create a small, maybe 1cm x 1cm device that could harvest 200mV when a drop of water hits it. 200mV isn’t much, but if I had 100 of them hooked together in a 10cm x 10cm square, that could be somewhere between 1-100x that voltage (though, more likely lower than that unless it’s a downpour).

    Then I got thinking, well it’s water, so after the kinetic energy and whatnot has been harvested it could go into a large bucket at the top of the slope. That large bucket could then be connected to a tube that’s connected to this mini 12v dc hydro generator I bought off amazon. Of course then I could use the energy generated/harvested during the day to pump water back up to the bucket at night… (ok, would have to be a large bucket and I realize this is still small amounts of electricity)…

    I guess the reason we don’t see commercial systems like this has to do with energy density. After printing and prototyping and hours of trial and error, I may arrive at a device that can harvest/generate 0-15v depending on the weather. I imagine if I were to buy some TI energy harvesting devices and put them all together, I would be able to get enough energy to charge my phone in a day, but it may set me back the price of a house and may take up the size of a room to do so.

    I guess my realisitic-use case would be to take something like what I just described and use it to power some outside LEDs. Then, everytime it rains, the LEDs would twinkle, and that would kind of be neat to see. Especially if these devices were installed in something like a raingutter system with individual LEDs, sort of lighting up roughly wherever rain drops were hit. No energy stored, just used as it’s harvested. It sounds like if it did work, it would be a big undertaking and would require quite a lot of time and money to build.

    But still. twinkles!

  • It may surprise you to know that in the US as a ham, I have the legal right to hoist an antenna or build a tower so long as it doesn’t fall on a power line.

    But even then, I don’t think this setup will create nulls. Say the antenna is 400 meters away which I think is still in the far field but I could be wrong. Even if I erected an almost resonant tower (160m) and assuming the regulatory bodies gave me the permit to do so, assuming it’s not powered and simply is resonant, maybe the radiation pattern changes but not so dramatically that my neighbors on the opposite side of my antenna (from the tower) will get poor reception.

    Is the direction of the radiation pattern changing what was meant by the “not-spots”?

  • That is the most plausible explanation I have heard but I still have questions. Say there’s an MW tower down the road and I have a 160m tower in my backyard. If I understand correctly, my tower may cause the signal coming from the AM tower to be re-resonated back to the AM tower so the AM tower needs to be detuned. But say I want to harvest the signal and I have tuned my tower to be resonant with the AM tower. Maybe in this case the SWR reading at the AM station is different because it is getting some of that re-radiated power back, and maybe the radiation pattern of the am station has changed slightly, but wouldn’t the main AM tower cover any gaps just like how waves spread out in the double slit experiment once they hit my resonant tower?

    I get that a tower excites another tower, and I can understand that the AM engineers will likely hate me, but I don’t understand how radio reception could be affected. If anything, I might have made the station more directional (like a reflector in a yagi) but probably not.

  • Gang, I hate to tell you this but this is what we mean when we say “you are the product” especially with free offerings.

    But if you hate that I have a worse thing to introduce you to: the internet. If you respond to this comment, or any comment on any lemmy instance or other federated service or website or blog… your words can be consumed, copied and used to train whatever anyone wants. It is trivially easy to create web scrapers with just a bit of coding knowledge. These days it’s pretty easy to then use that data to train AI models. To a computer, it’s just data.

    Grammarly is a product where you give it bad grammar and it gives you good grammar. Grammarly, like many products, gets better over time when it can understand what went wrong so its teams can make it right. This can often include any text entered into the program. I don’t know the specifics but they should be outlined in the privacy policy. A company using data it already has to train AI makes sense, especially if it anonymizes that data. It may not be ethical given that users weren’t aware of AI at the time they accepted the privacy policy, but with american capitalism a company can change a privacy policy and you can opt out if you don’t like it.

    That’s why we all have lawyers on retainer to read and translate all privacy policies for all websites and applications we interact with in a daily basis. Right? That’s normal, right?

    I will say, could this support person have meant that an organization with 500+ employees get a custom AI model trained on only the organization’s 500+ accounts? Because that would be better, and likely more ethical too.

    If that’s not the case and any content you have put into grammarly is being used to train AI, then I guess it’s time to stop using grammarly then huh? But it’s also time to stop posting anything on the web, too. Oh, and don’t publish anything, ever.

    Or, you could go with the flow. This data is mixed with millions of other accounts… sort of like what happened when chatgpt trained on anything you’ve already put out there. The only real concern I could see is if you discussed a very specific thing or invented your own personal coded style of writing and used it so much that, among the millions of other users, dominated the corpus and skewed the training model. Say there are only 5 grammarly users and you are number 5… you keep talking about “procorpia” being “mass sledge”, generating hundreds of entries with thousands of tokens “words”. By contrast let’s say the other 4 grammarly users only used it a few times a month to send short emails. Now, after training, the 6th grammarly user mispells a word as “procorpia” and grammarly generares “procorpia is totes mass sledge brah”. Suddenly, your secret is out.

    If, on the other hand you speak the same broken english as the rest of us, you are probably fine.