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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This is an interesting observation, not really something I have considered. The key difference here is that you are the one in control of those customizations. Whether the customizations are useful or harmful is entirely up to the user, Kagi just gives you the option.

    For me at least, the majority of my searches I just want the correct answer to a question or a link to a specific resource I’m looking for. I don’t really use it as a content discovery engine. Being able to prioritize sites that I have found through experience to have reliable results and exclude sites that are uninformative or irritating is valuable.

  • Kagi! Worth every penny of the subscription. The emphasis on privacy is a big deal for me but the killer feature is the ability to customize results. I have sites I personally like/trust towards the top and have an ever growing blacklist of sites that don’t get shown at all. No more pinterest, spruce, or other seo spam sites!