Even half an hour next to the PA without special ear plugs is enough to permanently harm your hearing.
Even half an hour next to the PA without special ear plugs is enough to permanently harm your hearing.
What you’re describing used to be right under X11, but under Wayland the compositor handles all rendering itself. For Gnome that’s mutter, which is also maintained by the gnome project.
Seriously, stop being an asshole. Coil whine is a well-documented behaviour that creates a loud, high pitched noise.
As coil whine is at the very limit of what human hearing can accomplish, it doesn’t take much until you’re unable to hear it. So you’re likely too old or went to too many concerts to be able to hear it.
Good ears? the question is when, not where, and the answer is half a lifetime ago.
Don’t SteamVR tools work on linux as well? Not that it’d help in your situation, where you’re stuck with proprietary GPU drivers and proprietary VR tools.
Why so? AMD supports Wayland just fine, while having good enough performance. As a VR dev, AMD still including a USB C port on GPUs should actually be even more convenient for you.
So how do you juggle having to see dozens of windows at the same time then?
I’m a software dev as well.
But I often layer multiple windows in the same tile of the screen. e.g. I may have the IDE with the software I’m working on in one tile, the IDE with the library source code I’m working with in the second tile, and a live build of the app in the third tile. But I’ve also got documentation, as a website, in the same tile as the IDE with the lib’s source.
Now when I switch between the IDE with the lib’s source, and the browser with the lib’s documentation, I only want that tile to change. No problem, with KDEs taskbar and window switcher I can quickly do that.
But when using the applications menu on Gnome I get a disrupting UI across all screens that immediately rips me out of whatever I was doing.
Why’d you have to use TC? KDEs dolphin can do all that natively.
Personally, configuring KDE was much simpler and more robust compared to the dozen addons I needed for Gnome, which also broke every now and then after updates.
I tried that, but IMO it’s much simpler and more robust to just configure KDE than to install a dozen Gnome extensions that end up broken after updates anyway.
Unless you’re writing ruby on rails on a 13" macbook, you’ll run into Gnome’s limitations when working.
Gnome is in many ways so focused that it makes a lot of productivity use impossible. You always have to open the menu to launch software, you’ve got no system tray, and worst of all, Gnome apps are so simplified that you constantly run into the limitations when using it productively.
When working with dozens of windows open at the same time across multiple monitors, I’m a fan of KDE. And KDE apps tend to also have all the extra features I need to handle weird situations, files, and edge cases.
The 50€ Patreon tier perks include “everything ad-free”. And there’s no repo or source available anywhere.
Just go ahead with the tutorial. Kotlin is basically identical to Java with only tiny changes, and you can just look those up whenever you see something new.
You’re conflating two different things. Law is political, and that’s fine. Court rulings are not supposed to be political, though, they’re supposed to be based solely on the rule of law. That’s the only way to ensure the law applies equally to everyone, rich or poor alike.
I agree that voting/non-voting shares are bullshit, but so are shares held by anyone but the workers themselves (which would be a co-op).
Having a voting and a non-voting class of shares is relatively common around the world, tbh. Jack Ma held 53% of voting shares, so he should’ve theoretically kept control.
This doesn’t really sound like a decision based on the rule of law, but more like a political one designed to specifically hurt Jack Ma’s power, especially considering his “absence” a few years ago.
This ruling isn’t turning the company into a co-op. All it did is shift power from one group of rich chinese people to another. It’s not really anything to celebrate.
Haben wir bereits gesehen wie das aussieht, das OVH Feuer war genau ein “was passiert, wenn die billigsten und schlechtesten Akkus die wir kaufen können im billigsten Rechenzentrum ever Feuer fangen”.
Viel Rauch, viel Feuer, aber die Umwelt überlebt’s und es gibt keinen langfristigen Schaden.
Und wenn man die Zellen halbwegs sinnvoll trennt und halbwegs sinnvolle Brandschutzschotten hat, passiert gar nix. Selbst das Samsung Galaxy Note 7 kriegt man mit einer Alutüte gebändigt.
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Das gibt weniger Fußgänger die durch Radfahrer verletzt werden als Fußgänger die über lose Gehwegplatten stolpern und sterben. Ja, es gibt Einzelfälle, aber die sind absolut zu vernachlässigen.
Ich selber fahre aus Prinzip nie auf dem Fußweg, aber damit bin ich halt alleine. Wenn ich in ner Gruppe unterwegs bin weigern sich die anderen aus Angst auf der Straße zu fahren und wollen entweder auf dem Fußweg oder gleich mit dem Auto fahren. Und ich kann von niemandem verlangen sich in Lebensgefahr zu begeben.
Es wäre schön, wenn du dich genauso sehr dafür einsetzen würdest, dass Autofahrer aussteigen und schieben, bevor sie weiterfahren.
Ich weiß nicht ob dir der Unterschied zwischen einer Kollision mit 2t die 60km/h fahren und 80kg die 10-15km/h fahren bekannt sind.
Ich finde es auch schön, dass du sagst, dass du nicht für Klimawandel oder Verkehrstote bist, aber alle Alternativen die das vermeiden verweigerst.
Gez. eine Radfahrerin die nie auf dem Fußweg fährt, aber jede*n versteht, die*der das tut.
That’s definitely wrong. You should follow danielle’s mastodon, she’s working on elementary all the time.