They were trying to run it cracked through an alternative launcher.
They were trying to run it cracked through an alternative launcher.
I haven’t had a frenulum since infancy (believe it or not, from a near fatal teething incident) and have always been able to do this. I used to frak people out by making my tongue disappear while I was a kid.
Thanks, I’ll check out that tutorial.
How bad is the learning curve? I’ve been cobbling stuff together with Openshot.
I did this for a while unwillingly because I was in a rough spot and couldn’t pay my phone bill. Even with the ease of getting to wifi in modern times (I would often just go to a restaurant that doesn’t turn off their wifi), it just isn’t worth it and is a massive inconvenience. Not to mention yh3 call quality was often terrible over slow public wifi once I had the VPN going.I am grateful that doing this is fee, however. It was certainly better than nothing.
Indeed, but everything you need is there. And I’ll throw one in for free and it is awesome to get started:
I almost hate to recommend it, but r/rtlsdr is the place to go.
RTL-SDR is basically a way of using a digital device as a broadband radio. That is an oversimplification, but that is the idea. There are cheap USB devices out there that will turn a PC into a ham radio receiver (among a really wide range of other bands like weather satellites). I have no idea how they are doing it with Android, however. Maybe using the phone’s antenna.
7,200 yen ($54 USD) for 24. It would be fun to try, but at that price it will remain a mystery.
Kraft Mac and cheese with sausage cut up in it.
I had been wondering what it reminded me of, and Joomla is exactly it. I haven’t thought about it in ages.