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Cake day: 1 luglio 2023


  • Wait what now? Trump knows something about foreign policy? Not a chance, bub. Trump doesn’t know squat. Other than being an effective distraction from his handlers so the ones actually pulling the strings can stay out of the public’s general awareness. But, then again, he’s stupid enough to think he matters, so I doubt he even realizes he has handlers.

    Trump doesn’t do strategy. Period. He’s dumber than a stack of bricks, and you know it. So, no, there is absolutely no ulterior motive. There is no plan. He has no ability to think ahead. He has never had to take any actual responsibility, and is therefore utterly incapable of anything other rash impulsive stupidity.

    Giving that loser any credit just makes you sound like a complete idiot. Just don’t. Please.

  • Says the guy cheerleading genocide committed by an authoritarian regime. Why do you even care that I, a complete stranger, an critical of their actions? If you’re so confident in “your” conclusions, why would you be threatened by somebody whose life as literally no chance of affecting you?

    As much as I want to believe words exist to knock some sense into you, I give up. (Anyone else wanna bet how long he sits and fumes about my refusal to abandon my beliefs to replace them with the party line? Probably spent the entire day between my response and his angrily trying to come up with the perfect rebuttal.)

    Go ahead buddy, scream into the wind. You ain’t got anything to say worth listening for…

  • Ok. As far as nuance, I still assert he is a cause, not an effect. His choice to capitalize on rightwing audience doesn’t mean he didn’t already hold those beliefs. I got the impression, perhaps mistakenly, that you were asserting that he adopted those beliefs because there’s a market for them; I would argue he adopted that audience because they share beliefs he already had.

    This would align him with many others who came from similar privilege. In fact, I’m more skeptical of those born in privilege who publicly denounce right wing ideology (although I absolutely do my best to judge by their actions when possible), given that concerning the status quo is obviously in their self interest.

    Our apparent disagreement may be, at least partially, due to semantics. Yet, the words we choose do matter. I appreciate the thoughtful debate in either case!