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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 26th, 2024


  • Yeah here in the Warframe community we recently got a big update called Whispers in the Walls. We have new enemies to stab with the same weapons we love stabbing with, we have new environments to explore with the same movement systems we love moving in, we have a confrontation with a villain that’s been teased and hinted at for 7 years, and we have a completely WHAT THE FUCK new story development that we don’t understand at all and are desperate to see more about.

    It’s like seeing Empire Strikes Back in theatres. Same pieces, new story, and it’s blowing our minds.

    (Also the homosexual drama and tension in the new update is legendary. This is so gay)

  • First off, you’re talking nonsense because I’m disabled. Secondly, what you’re saying is impossible. Why would I consider moral superiority valid if I didn’t care about others? If I didn’t care about others, I’d obviously adopt a might makes right philosophy or something abstract like exclusively valuing beauty or truth or intelligence or something. You believe that I think vegans are superior to carnists, and therefore you believe In invested in the idea of moral superiority. Therefore it’s impossible, according to your beliefs, that I don’t care about others.

    You’re saying impossible, self-contradictory garbage because you can subconsciously sense that I have NPD and that makes you feel angry and hateful at me. There is no rational basis for your feelings, you just don’t like people who are different. That’s why what you’re saying is completely irrational.

  • you don’t torture animals if you’re a sane stable individual

    Except that there are plenty of neurotypical slaughterhouse workers. That said, the toll working in a slaughterhouse takes on a person’s mental health is beyond what I would wish on my worst enemy. Taking lives all day every day, sometimes not hitting right and watching the animal suffer before you hit it again, being surrounded by all that death, the severed cow heads in the bins staring lifelessly back at you as if in accusation… that fucks a person up. That turns mentally healthy men into the kind troubled enough to attempt suicide. But they are, most of them, when they start working, mentally healthy. Studies have tracked the mental health of towns before and after a slaughterhouse opened and started offering jobs. Violent crime went up. Spousal abuse went up. Drug problems went up. Those workers were okay, and they took a job society says isn’t that bad, is necessary, and it ruined them. Turned them into the kind of men who would beat their wives, because you have to become a violent and dangerous person in order to survive working a job like that.

    And the person forking over their ten dollars to McDonald’s for a Big Mac is financing all that suffering. That person is not mentally ill, they are doing what society says is completely acceptable and normal. But it isn’t.

  • Of course, the first step is to accept that convincing people to be less evil, is more important than vanity and holding to the idea that you’re somehow better than them.

    Of course I believe that. I believe the best way to convince people not to kill is to shame killers. It’s nothing to do with my ego. It’s not hypocrisy to want there to be less death in the world, and accusing me of letting children drown or wanting to be superior is not only silly, it’s irrelevant to your own actions. It’s just a mechanism for you to process your shame. You know killing is bad and you want an excuse. You think if you can change the subject to my actions and how I’m not Literally Superman, then you won’t have to think about your actions. But tough nuts because we are not changing the subject. I proposed a truce. We won’t say your actions are wrong if you don’t kill animals. That way you don’t have to deal with mean words, and the animals don’t have to deal with murder. I daresay that approaches fairness. If you want to make the argument that mean words are incomparable to a life and the animals are getting a bloody good deal out of a truce, then yeah, I guess their lives are more important than your feelings, how bout that!