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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: April 6th, 2024


  • Imagine it’s 7500bce… Most humans are still hunter gatherers but in a few places people have started banding together to form cities. The world is savage, hard, and dangerous. Life is short and cheap, and just like chimpanzees today don’t feel any moral qualms about murdering rival troop members, humans hadn’t really evolved socially to the point of thinking of all humans as inherently “special” or worthy of life… Some could say we still haven’t all evolved to this point.

    In that context what we were left with was a bunch of sociopaths. And no wonder. Most people would be somewhat sociopathic if their siblings died in infancy or were carried off to be slaves or eaten by wolves, their parents were murdered in front of them, their village was slaughtered and burned, etc. So these city people, and soon the surrounding people’s, saw sociopathic behavior as normal and even something to be worshipped. (Again, some of us still do)

    Sociopaths don’t hesitate to harm other people to increase their own power and wealth, even when they don’t really need anything more to live comfortably. In a world where might makes right, this was a huge advantage and the most horrible and brutal sociopaths rose to become kings of their city states.

    There is some evidence that hunter gatherers groups would occasionally get a sociopath among them, but more often than not that person would be shunned and banished from the family. It was only when cities became a thing that there were tons of people from many families, so even if you’re family kicked you out, you could just find other sociopaths who had been kicked out, and together you could just kill anyone who denied you.

    There’s also the fact that as soon as people started settling down and using agriculture to create excess food, the hunter gatherers around them started trying to take that food because hey, free food. So then you need to start defending your food stores, and again sociopaths rise to the top because they are the most ruthless “defenders”.

    Those sociopathic traits continued in the ruling class throughout all of human pre history and history. Right down to today where people continue to worship the sociopaths like Musk, Trump, or even Hillary. It’s a childish thought process of “my dad can beat up your dad”, which makes me feel safer, even if sometimes my dad also beats me.

    Edit: just to add that the only reason we can even have this conversation is because, for the first time in human history, large swaths of the human population HAVE socially evolved to the point of recognizing innate human value, and thus can also recognize sociopathic behavior

  • Don’t get married before you’re 25

    Around 30 years old your body stops healing, injuries are just things you live with forever now, and old injuries you thought had healed come back as forever pain… just keep that in mind when doing stupid shit… This includes injuries to your lungs and mind from things like smoking and drugs.

    If you want to help people in any way, get rich first. No one will pay you enough to live off of for helping people… Better to bring your own wealth to the table and hopefully be able to help people for real with it.

    If you don’t already know how, learn to code asap… In 20 years, programming will be one of the few jobs left… Maybe

  • I love this… And would gladly work on a project like this to kill the time. However, I worry that they’ll just roll over us with their tanks and drones unless the oligarchy is actually destroyed in the revolution. And I just don’t see how that can happen with the majority of people looking left or right instead of up. Who knows though… Maybe AI and robots will be on our side once they become sentient

  • Yes… But should they get that choice?

    If I could wave a magic wand, I’d make it so every 12 year old that could make sperm (trans, cis, whatever) gets a reversible vasectomy automatically. Then, if/when they ever want and plan for starting a family, they can take the class on childhood development and how to be a good parent who raises not shitty humans. If they pass, great! They get to undo the vasectomy and try for a family. If not, oh well, no one wanted to have to support your shitty kids in the first place.

    I have no idea how something like this could ever actually be implemented in a fair way… Hense the need for the magic wand

  • That’s what I thought… But if it’s winter in the north then it’s summer in the south, so you’d expect them to average in a way that you wouldn’t see such stark differences between say January and July. In July it’s winter in the south, summer in the north. Intuitively I’d assume they’d average. Temps would still be rising year over year, but you wouldn’t see a difference between months. A couple people have answered that it has to do with the earths tilt and the fact that there’s more landmass in the north. Seems plausible I guess.