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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2024


  • I almost aimlessly did. I have a Surface Pro 6. So I searched specifically for Ubuntu on that model, at the time (2021) and someone had experienced quite a few issues on the hardware side - compatibility. One of the issues was the touch screen, that pretty much stopped me in my tracks. The other issues were not too significant for me.

    I just decided to search again to see if Ubuntu will install without issue… 22.04 still lacks touch screen capability. I want my child (5yo) to start learning how to use a computer - linux based. But I also know she loves to “finger paint” - she does so on an iPad mini, and her educational curriculum (arts and craft) will require her to create drawings and paint stuff (I’m a paper nazi, if I can avoid paper and keep it digital, I will 100%) so without touch screen (including the Surface Pen) it’s somewhat pointless.

    As soon as ANY user friendly (especially for a child) Linux distro can fully support the Surface Pro 6, I will be more than happy to slap it onto it and hand it over to my child.

    Edit: Wow… so many people own the SP6.

  • The narrative cannot change. That is, climate change is the fault of humans and animals.

    However, the link I provided rebuts your claim that climate change is accelerating because of human activities. Since the 1930s, we were told that because of humans we have climate change and if we don’t limit human activities that cause climate change, we will see an acceleration of climate change so severe the world will end.

    For example:

    August 10, 1969, Erlich in the New York Times: “We must realize that unless we are extremely lucky, everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.”

    April 1970, Erlich in Mademoiselle: “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”

    Harvard biologist and Nobel Prize winner George Wald, speaking at the University of Rhode Island in November 1970: “Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”

    Dennis Hayes, key organizer of Earth Day, in The Living Wilderness, Spring 1970: “It is already too late to avoid mass starvation.”

    Kenneth Watt, UC Davis ecologist: “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.”

    We were even warned that because of climate change millions of people will starve to death… a claim made in the late 60’s, yet from that time to today, the world population grew exponentially and for the most part are sustaining. Humanity is thriving far better than before, while climate change has been getting worse, to the point of all living things going extinct because of man made climate change.

    Simply put, the math isn’t mathing. The goal is to limit the freedoms of human activities.

  • The illusion is that YOU and I are to blame for climate change. And we have to face the consequences by making sacrifices for the sake of mother earth… when in reality, we nor any other living creature is the blame for changes in climate. It’s not accelerating like it’s supposed to have been since what? The 1930s? The world should have burned down to the groun… to nothingness 10 times over according to all the specialists/scientists. 🙄

  • Way I see it, it’s like being worried over a nightmare. It’s an illusion your mind produced. Nightmares happen. Not much you can do about it. No different than changes in climate, it happens, not much we can do about it. We can pretend that we can lessen climate changes to 100% or 90% or even 50% but we don’t control earth, other planets, much less the rest of the galaxy. Changes to climate are going to happen naturally as they have since the birth of reality.

  • New study finds Earth warming at record rate, but no evidence of climate change accelerating. The rate Earth is warming hit an all-time high in 2023 with 92% of last year’s surprising record-shattering heat caused by humans, top scientists calculated. Jun 4, 2024

    Cattle grazing can either be a source of greenhouse gas emissions or a sink for these emissions, depending on the intensity of grazing, according to a new study by scientists at MIT and in China. Mar 15, 2024

    https://news.mit.edu/2024/study-finds-lands-grazing-can-worsen-help-climate-change-0315#:~:text=Cattle grazing can either be,at MIT and in China.

    When it comes to greenhouse gasses you have emissions and capture. Animals produce CO2, but the soil and plants that grow in it can capture CO2. Erickson’s team has found that capture - helped out by grazing and manure, can far outweigh the emissions from cattle.

    People around the world are getting hoodwinked. Climate change agenda is just another form of attack on our freedoms. I have no problem trying to be green and trying to lower emissions… but not at the expense of my freedom and especially what the fk goes on my dinner plate. I enjoy animal flesh in between my teeth.

    OP has gotten sucked into one of many tools of the deceivers along with anyone else who actually keeps spouting climate change. You’re getting emotionally sucked into an illusion and narrative like a Hollyweird film.

    So I’d like to know, directly from OP… the answers to my question. Maybe as OP takes the time to deep dive into why he/she is dealing with depression, OP will realize, climate change is NOT the reason OP is depressed. Because OP hasn’t actually been impacted by it. None of us have. We humans, nor the stupid fkin delicious cows are to blame either. Climate change is not even exclusive to our planet.

    And no… this is not trolling. So please don’t delete my comment and ban me just because of my opposition and sincerely questioning OP about their depression.

  • I strongly feel that it’s a mindset.

    YouTube search for, “how to become a positive person”. Spend sometime listening to some of the ideas, take notes that you can look over each morning or each evening before bed or both.

    I had this problem for a couple years where work was so stressful, I’d come home with that stress and any little annoyances like my daughter not listening to her mom for example would amplify my annoyance and obliterate my tolerance making me angry. One advice I took is before walking into my home, just take deep breath, and be grateful I’m walking into a home where my family resides, be in a positive mood so that the positivity continues to grow. So there’s those chitty days I have to deal with and before I walk into my home, I remind myself to drop the mood, start over and be positive.

  • I could be mistaken, but I thought women weren’t allowed to go on flights at a certain stage of pregnancy?

    After 36 weeks of pregnancy, your health care provider may advise against flying. And some airlines don’t allow pregnant people women to fly after 36 weeks. The airline also may require a letter from your health care provider that states how far along in your pregnancy you are and whether flying is advised.

    Also who tf travels on vacation when they’re so close to labor?