These fines make it harder for Bezos
Truth is he doesn’t even notice it. These fines are mere days, maybe a week’s worth of income to people like him.
These fines make it harder for Bezos
Truth is he doesn’t even notice it. These fines are mere days, maybe a week’s worth of income to people like him.
…and boiling them to death with their combined body heat.
I’m just going to leave this here
This belongs on ! lmfao, it’s a perfect summary 😂
Whoop whoop, subscribed.
Also, on a personal note, having a bit more insight in to what was going on behind the scenes, I just wanted to thank you for the extra moderating you were doing over on 196, which their mod team has been open about undoing. Definitely feel safer in your hands than I do in theirs (though really hope for your sake you won’t have to step in as much anymore).
they just saw an opportunity to make a career in the new order and were willing to commit any crime for it.
None of that is unique to Germany, nor the 1930’s-40’s, but rather a core feature of capitalism, which is why it always decays in to fascism.
I think a lot of people are just not aware enough to realize how easy it is for extremism to fester in a society where people are economically (and morally) depressed
They’re “not aware enough” because the education systems, as well as the media, which are controlled and or owned by the people looking to manipulate them, and deliberately ensures that from infancy the population is only given a white washed version of history that serves those in power, so that exactly this can happen.
Which only reinforces OP.
The idea that any of this is accidental, or worse, is some inevitable part of “human nature” is just one more way in which those in power manipulate you in to accepting it as reality.
Media reports in the West have sometimes exaggerated or inaccurately described this concept.
But the concept exists, nonetheless.
The idea that the tech and surveillance obsessed Chinese government isn’t keeping tags on its citizens, to at least the same degree western countries are keeping tags on theirs is patently absurd, and all you’re doing by pretending otherwise is licking the left boot instead of the right,.
The fucking side picking on this, and the principles so called progressives and even leftist (being openly welcomed to the tankie side, I guess) are willing to throw out the window just to defend an openly oppressive and abusive state simply because it is “anti-American”, as if both aren’t pulling the same shit in slightly different variations, is doing my fucking head in.
What will it take for people to realise all states exist to oppress and control the working class for the benefit of the ruling one, no matter who it theoretically opposes? (not a social media fad, that’s for fucking sure)
(sarcasm. the CCP is hatefully repressive to queer identities.)
And yet, here you are, making this post.
Would you be making a post giving trump props if an occasion happened where he was the broken clock that happened to be right that one time? No? Then what are you doing here? (I don’t need you response, this is something you should be asking yourself)
Oh, they’re definitely people, just class betraying, oppressive, abusive people, who dedicate their lives to work exclusively in service of even more oppressive and abusive people, in exchange for some power to trip on.
I couldn’t give two fucks what a bastard would like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I wasn’t going to engage, because lets be honest, there’s no point, but I happened to scroll past these the other day, and you’ve given me a good opportunity to use them, and others might enjoy, so:
Homelessness doesn’t exist because of a lack of housing.
Social mobility just works in both directions, and about as often.
Yeah, no, that’s a massive streaming pile of self soothing bullshit that isn’t convincing anyone but you.
Let’s say that you have an opportunity to gain billions to fix the society from the top.
Society can not, and never will be, fixed from the top.
Nor is money the solution to our problems, if anything, it is a huge part of the cause (and why communism aspires to a moneyless society, among other things).
So even if I say I’d only accept the money if I could instantly redistribute it, as long as other billionaires, and the systems that create and uphold them, exist, my personal actions would probably make little difference in the long run, and any money I shared would end up right back in their pockets (by virtue of how capitalism works).
Thanks for the heads up.
OP - my feedback is fix this.
pEOpLe rEFuSINg To bE aROunD NAzIs aRe the ONeS whO crEAte ThE reAL hOSTILitY 🙄