Just a few days ago, someone I know had to be hospitalized because of somehow slipping and smashing badly into their desk while doing normal, boring office work. From how it was described to me, I cannot help thinking sex was somehow involved, like receiving or giving oral sex from under the table maybe.
EDIT: Typing this, I was reminded of a guy who got smacked in the back of his head. Got X-rayed, everything looked normal. They kept him in the hospital for observation, though. X-ray again after an hour, a huge hematoma had evolved under his skin, pressing on the upper spine. They immediately drained it. Otherwise, it would have killed him very quickly.
Bingo. Trump already started playing with his corporate finger puppets, emboldening some, threatening others.
Same reason Zuckerberg, surely the expert on the matter, had this weird rambling about “masculine energy” very recently. What a Trumpian phrase.