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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I try not to assume too much about the person on the other end, depending on the age he might just be an edgy teenager lashing out (yeah I know that’s ironic with my previous statement). I know my upbringing glossed over certain “troubling” parts of my country’s history, and that left me with certain messed up beliefs as well that I had to move past (and I luckily did)

    In the end I hope they’re someone who is just being edgy and ill-informed and my response at least plants a seed of doubt that is enough to prosper into acquiring the knowledge to move past their current beliefs

    But you might be right, I might just be a tad overtly optimistic here. But for me Nazis are an existential threat, so I’d rather convert them early than deal with the repercussions if they ever get political power over people like myself again.

  • I never said the original poster made a general statement about the people, just the country being called a shithole, you came in and added the “can’t call neo-nazi’s trash anymore”, a ridiculous statement I never made. In the context of my response being about how he refers to the country of Ukraine, how can your sarcastic complaint about me not be seen as referring to the the people? That’s why I said not every Ukrainian is a Nazi.

    My comment was pretty particular about the “your shithole” part. I don’t care what negative thing he calls Banderites, and you’ll see from my previous comments elsewhere in this thread I have no love for those who adore him.

    Also I find it ridiculous you all are very happy to point to problematic groups in one country, yet systematically ignore it in another. Double standards like this is why I have difficulties not seeing the bias at play in these discussions.

  • America is a shithole, too, if you were wondering.

    I agree it has its problems, but I’m not an American so it’s easier to not get deluded by what they call “the American dream”. Helps that even in my English classes growing up we dealt with topics such as the rampant poverty issues Americans face, and how many children live in poverty in the US. Though context matters; America is currently not being invaded. If it was a minor country on the world stage I would also not call it a “shithole”. Same reason I can detect issues in certain African countries without ever calling them by that name, like one of their presidents did.

    If you are from America, calling a country that’s been suffering your world hegemony for so long a ‘shithole’, I can only say you are part of the reason that’s the situation, and so you have no rights to call any country a shithole.

    “You can’t call our neo-Nazis trash and our state that celebrates Nazi collaborators a shithole! That’s, uh, uh, that’s racist!”

    Not every Ukrainian is a Nazi. But sure, let your hate cloud your sense of decency, if that makes you feel better. I’m sure the mothers I’ve spoken to will be happy their children died because they were Nazis, besides I’m sure their elderly people just had it coming… /s

    Unlike you I don’t see them as “acceptable collateral”.

  • Damn, I thought your rules preclude you from making such a racist remark against a nationality. You can go join Trump with calling places “shitholes”.

    I find this weird support for Russia fascinating. They are clearly not free from nationalists and extremists sentiments themselves. Their own state media is calling for pre-emptive nuking of cities, Ireland being an acceptable collateral when nuking the UK, and their own former prime minister Medveded is yelling on twitter about achieving “Greater Russia”. Here’s someone who was awarded “Hero of the Russian Federation” by Putin himself.. It’s almost as if Russia doesn’t actually care, and they are just using it for their propaganda.

    Also lol, they’re saying they’re not going to execute them because they aren’t barbarians and giving them time to retreat, and then you take offense to that? That’s such an odd stance. I personally applaud when someone says they want to avoid unnecesairy deaths, but you do you.

  • As with all jokes it matters who the audience is. My friends can make off-colour jokes with me, I can reciprocate with off-jokes. But I would never do this with people not fully aware of my actual opinions. This also counts to clear misogynistic jokes.

    My closest female friends they would be fine with it, they’ve known me for years, I’ve supported them in their lowest and they know I would never mean the a horrible thing I say. They’ll happily reciprocate with some toxic male jokes, or some gay jokes. That said, even when I make them they are both clear intended to be jokes, but if they ever looked uncomfortable then it would be my guilt to bear, as at the end, as the audience they are meant to enjoy the joke, not be sad or hurt by it.

    Making them to strangers is a big no-no, and if strangers are in the room with you at the time (like a party) you also have to “match the energy” of your friend. That means don’t randomly do something misogynistic that they would understand to be a joke, but strangers would not. I think this is the hardest for most people as they don’t consider that strangers witnessing could also be accidental audiences.

  • If you license your software in a way that has exceptions for certain groups, that license is not a libre software license. If I’m reading this correctly, you just have proprietary software. Corporations cannot be treated differently than individuals, it violates the GPLv3 and other free software licenses recognized by the FSF.

    Dual license exists and is fully GPLv3 complaint. I don’t see why I’d allow corporations who will profit of my work, to enjoy the fruits of free labour, but you are free (hehe) to have a differing opinion there. Also, most of my licenses are AGPLv3 due to the networked capabilities of that license.

    Also shame on you for saying “free labour.” Creating free software is not tied to “getting free labour,” your labour was not gratis.

    In what way was it not free? If I contributed to the GNU project, and I received nothing in return, what part of that isn’t free? I provided my labour for free, and signed the rights away to the license of the FOSS project.

    If the only way to obtain a good standard of living is to restrict people’s freedom and hoard software, than the society itself is broken and unsustainable. But of course, your use of “society” is a way (intentionally or not) to deflect from the ongoing robbery of computer science leadered by the most parastic and compulsive hoarders and control freaks in your country.

    This is something I, as an individual, cannot change. I can push societal change, but for now, we both (you as well) have to sell labour to survive. I assume you have a means of income yourself, so I assume you are breaking your principle as well.

    A mega millionaire gives the same “feed my kids” that you do.

    I am not a mega millionaire… I’m someone who owns no house, but I do have a family, a mother with a disability that cannot work, a boyfriend who is unemployed, a pet who has to have surgery, and so I do need to provide for them. If that makes me your enemy, then so is every factory worker out there.

    Yes, you are lost. You’ve admitted to creating nonfree software and parrot talking points used to derail the discussion to your own emotions

    If needing to support my family means I’m lost, then I will wander forever. I can only guess you have enough money to not need to worry about the realities of surviving in a capitalist society as I there’s no alternative to you owning the means to get online on an electronic device, without the means to pay for that.

    So do you work, or are you rich? Because that’s the only possibility here if you practice what you preach and aren’t “selling your programming skills”. I’d guess you have to be rich then.

  • I enjoy my open source work, and if I had the means I would only do open source work, but I can’t in today’s society. Doesn’t mean I don’t believe all software should be free, but in how society today is I wouldn’t be able to pay for the means to sustain myself and those close to me.

    Donations really only go so far and some of the projects I’ve contributed to are too niche to survive on those :/

    I always license my personal projects as free for whoever wants to use it free and wants to contribute back. It’s never free for commercial entities though because screw them profiting off of my free labour.

    With this, would you still think I’m lost? Or is there some nuance that could be applied if I responded with both wanting all software up be FOSS, but also that I need to have the means to support those around me.