How was this handled in the age of typewriters?
How was this handled in the age of typewriters?
How on earth did English typography get so weird with mdash, ndash, dash, hyphen, etcetera while most of the readers have no clue about the the differences. IMHO, just use dash.
Can you explain me how the different lengths of dash add to the understanding of the text, when I usually don’t even see the difference on my mobile phone screen?
There’s at least one Kidney Lake
Just updated apps on my phone. Appears to be doing three updates at once. Still, a huge improvement.
cheese sandwich
There are apparently AIVD objections, again. He’s withdrawn as candidate by his party leader Geert Wilders.
PVV’er Markuszower na veiligheidscheck geen vicepremier en minister - https://nos.nl/l/2524433
Nevada city, California. Population 3k+. Thanks to my wife’s addiction to christmas movies.
The archive link that was supplied works for me?
No. Read this.