• 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2022

  • My favorite moment of Portal 2 is easily Cave Johnson’s lemon rant. Easily one of the best quotes in all of video game history.

    “All right, I’ve been thinking. When life gives you lemons? Don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day! It thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s going to burn your house down! With the lemons! I’m going to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down! [COUGHING]”

  • OG Kerbal Space Program is the best. The sequel, Kerbal Space Program 2, had a lot of missing features from the original KSP, and it is still in Early Access. The developer, Intercept Games, was also closed by Take-Two Interactive, and this game has not had any major update in months. It is clear that Take-Two has completely abandoned KSP 2, and it is still on sale. But it might not be for much longer, because it is literally on life support at this point, only getting patches and bug fixes.

    Wouldn’t be surprised if Kerbal Space Program 2 ends up getting delisted at some point in the future.

  • For me: Easily Portal 2.

    A deeply rich story, funny dialogue, and great puzzles that will truly make your brain think. The story is very rich and spans across several different eras of Aperture history, going as far back as the 50s. The dialogue is funny and some of the lines are the most memorable in all of gaming (like the Cave Johnson lemon rant). And last but not least, the puzzles are great. They start off pretty simple, but as you progress further in the story, they get more and more complicated, especially when you get the repulsion gel and proposion gel. I feel like Portal 2 is the Gold Standard for puzzle games that every game that comes after it will be judged on.

    Also, if you don’t own Portal 2 yet, now is a fantastic time to get it - it’s on sale for $1 on Steam, same with Portal 1. And if you want both games, the bundle containing both games is $1.50. Do not miss out on this offer, it’s so worth it.

  • To me, nothing will EVER top the magic of Smokey and the Bandit.

    Literally one of Hal Needham’s and Burt Reynolds’s greatest works to date. The plot is very simple: The Bandit accepts a challenge set by Big and Little Enos, which is to travel down to Texarkana, TX to illegally bootleg 400 cases of Coors, and deliver them back to Atlanta, GA, all within a 28 hour time limit. This film’s plot actually makes a lot of sense when you think about US laws of the time. Bootlegging laws were much more stricter back then, especially in Texas. Taking beer east of Texas was considered as bootlegging, and it would have severe consequences for anyone who was caught doing it. So, this film’s plot is actually based off of the real US laws of the late 70s. It only adds to the authenticity. Laws since then have gotten much more leniant, but they are still made to keep people in check from time to time. It’s almost interesting to see the changes from the late 70s to now. It was like a completely different world entirely, and that authenticity only made the film more special, since we got to see the relics of a by-gone era of the United States. I mean, just look at the set comparisons on YouTube. It’s like it became a whole different world overnight.

    Then, you also have the AMAZING and WONDERFUL country soundtrack composed by the one and only Jerry Reed. He actually stated himself that the film, originally, did not have a music score when he was pulled in as the composer, and the film was nearly ready to be released. So, within a short time span, Jerry Reed composed an entire film soundtrack in such a short timespan, and gave us one of the most legendary pieces of country music in the form of “Eastbound and Down”. But that’s not it. Jerry would also make “Westbound and Down” as well, which would prove to be quintessential to the film’s plot. You see, in the film, when they are heading down to Texas to get the beer, they are going westbound, and you hear “Westbound and Down” playing as a result. This is during the very beginning of the journey. And when they are on the freeway passing by a truck convoy, they are heading back to Georgia, which means they’re going eastbound, and that’s why you hear “Eastbound and Down”, which plays MUCH later into the journey. It shows which direction they are traveling across the US at that time; “Eastbound and Down” playing signals they are nearing the end of their journey, and “Westbound and Down” means the journey has just begun. All in all, that is some truly EXCELLENT soundtrack continuity. It really goes to show how much of a blast they were having making this. He did a wonderful job composing the soundtrack.

    But, of course, the star of the movie, is of COURSE Jackie Gleason, who plays as Sheriff Buford T. Justice. Oh man, he was SO FUNNY in this film. In fact, most of his dialogue was completely improvised and wasn’t even actually in the script. The things he said during the movie? That was all him doing that on the fly, off the top of his head. His improv in this film was truly off the charts. He made that movie very special. In fact, you know that entire scene where Buford T. Justice and The Bandit run into a restaurant and have a nice, friendly chat, all the while Buford doesn’t even realize he’s talking to the very person he is after? Guess what? That was Jackie’s idea. That entire scene wasn’t even supposed to be in the movie. He came up with the idea himself, and as such, it was added to the film on Jackie’s request and he made that scene entirely his own. Well, lemme tell ya, that scene became one of the most important scenes of the film, and quite frankly, one of the funniest as well. If it weren’t for Jackie Gleason with his incredible improv, this film would have just been a mediocre ‘modern-day Western’. But, Jackie’s funny dialogue made the movie, he quite literally stole the show. His incredible talent in this film will never be matched. Ever. His improv was literally incredible. God, I miss him and his energy…

    This is an absolute must-watch for any car/truck lover. You will absolutely love this film and have a good laugh!

  • For me, easily Spec Ops: The Line.

    That game took an incredibly dark turn during the White Phosphorus scene. You know those top-down camera views in Call of Duty where you shoot enemies from the sky? This game does that, too. And then, boom, you find out that you just burned a refugee camp to the ground with phosphorus bombs. And this game actually forces you to walk through the travesty you just caused, and see all of the flaiming remains of soldiers screaming for help and buildings and cars burning and on fire. But, the most haunting part of that scene is the burning carcass of a woman holding her child as the white phosphorus breaches through the gate.

    That image has been burned into my brain. 10/10 will not be playing again anytime soon

  • Space Mutiny is easily the best “introduction” episode to the show for newcomers and it remains a classic that shows what MST3K is all about.

    I totally agree! The best introduction for first-time watchers of MST3K. It really is the best of MST3K’s riffing from Season 8, and in my opinion, let alone the whole series. I am glad I picked Space Mutiny as my first episode. I got a great introduction to the series, and I have been a MSTie ever since. If you haven’t seen Mystery Science Theater 3000 yet, start with Space Mutiny.

    You will love it.

  • Calum Scott easily. That one song that kept playing during every commercial break drove me to madness. It’s that “You Are The Reason” song that Kay Jewellers used for one of their commercials, and my God it was the most overplayed shit in the universe while it was still airing and made me despise that song. I hated the sappiness and I hated the stupid-ass high pitch he would constantly sing in throughout the whole song. It’s the one and only Calum Scott song I listened to. Kay Jewellers always picked the worst and most ear-piecing sappy songs for their commercials. I have never listened to another one of his songs, and I don’t plan on ever doing it. Song is nothing but him sounding like a pussy who cries and whines around woman trying to get them to like him. And keep in mind, this was on every day, on every commercial break. I could never go even ONE DAY without hearing that effing song on my Roku. I was, at one point, seriously contemplating ripping my ears out if I ever heard it on my TV again.

    Hearing that song practically every single day on every goddamn commercial break made me unbelievably angry. Thank God Kay have stopped playing the commercial with that song included, it drove me absolutely insane every time I heard it on a commercial break. I got sick and tired of hearing it very quickly. Sometimes, it would get so overplayed in one day that I wished I was deaf on numerous occasions. That song has just turned me away from the artist entirely as I bet all of his songs are cringeworthy, sappy songs with him singing in an ear-splitting high pitch. “You Are The Reason” is a full-blown assault on the ears.

    Never listening to another one of his songs again after that. One of his songs was bad enough.

    And here’s the commercial if you are wondering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tu_eMQuKGk

  • I got some of my own personal favorites!

    1: Wildcat getting denied a second oven mitt by every single holiday and person

    2: The classic Banana Bus song

    3: The entire “Wildcat Cooking Show” segment where they prepare a lobster dish with stuff like a family photo and “chocolate” (poop)

    4: The “Hoo-dini” joke in the Split Sides West Comedy Club

    5: Everyone asking for tickets to Pluto Nash in 3D

    6: The New HP 6000 Thing computer that is literally just a microwave

    7: The opening to Vanoss’s Moonbase Alpha video - A trailer for a fake movie called “The White Side of the Moon”

    8: Delirious’s “butt plug” on the back of his car

    9: The opening to Vanoss’s “Matrix” video - A series of bloopers relating to the elevator scene in the movie

    10: The brand-new detatated Wamboghini

    11: The “movie set” with 587 bombs