Lemmy has a hardon for FOSS, and an irrational hatred for windows.
Aside from that, it’s quite nice imo
Lemmy has a hardon for FOSS, and an irrational hatred for windows.
Aside from that, it’s quite nice imo
What casual use can you do on windows/Linux that you can’t on android?
And Android is so much better than windows/Linux for touch that it’s not even a competition.
Swap to a 0 calorie version and just keep enjoying it? Fizzy drinks are a pretty harmless vice in the grand scheme of things. Hollow calories, so if you can replace it with a 0 calorie version, it would at least stop affecting your weight.
I know everyone is against artificial sweeteners. They won’t kill you faster than microplastics, pollution, break pad dust, war, alcohol, smoking,…
Enjoy life! Enjoy a fizzy drink! I thoroughly enjoy my daily coke zero can.
I have the galaxy tab ultra. I use it more than my actual laptop for surfing and lounging and watching videos. For work and productivity I use my laptop. If I really had to pick one, I’d probably pick the tablet. It’s all about what you do with it + formfactor
(have a desktop for actual gaming)
Also, the Lenovo y700 is an awesome device if you want an 8inch tablet.
Lol, OK. Yeah. Didn’t think about caveats. :D
Ah, fair enough. So that’s similar to “infinite universes of infinite possibilities, except light can never go faster than 300.000 km/sec”?
In an infinite list of letters, every single book ever written, every word ever spoken (and to be written/spoken) should be present no?
I guess the only caveat is that in an infinite universe certain physical laws could be universal (which would prevent eg any universe to break the speed of light)? But some version of me having hair past my 30s should certainly exist no?
Or am I getting this completely wrong?
I use windows. I haven’t paid for a windows key since windows 7 iirc. Windows has been free for years. (I know you pay with your data etc. Good luck convincing average Joe who uses all social media services that this even matters)
For me personally: I really enjoy tiktok. My feed is curated enough over time that I only see stuff I’m genuinely interested in, comedy, science, tech, fitness and ofcourse skimpy dancing ladies. I do not suffer from the so called propaganda on it.
I agree that tiktok melts brains of teenagers, but so does Instagram reels, facebook and YouTube shorts. So that isn’t a tiktok issue in itself anymore.
My grandfather for sure. No way he would be able to understand the current cultural climate. He basically died from getting worked up about stuff the entire time in the late 90s. I’m 100% sure he never stopped rolling around.
I use swiftkey. I type in 3 different languages daily (even in individual conversations) . Swiftkey does this very simply and automatically. Almost no fucking around with changing languages. It just does it by itself.
Would love to use other keyboards, but none of them comes even close if you need multiple languages all the time.
How? They orbit quite a lot higher than the highest clouds.
Highest clouds are like 70-90km. Starlink Sats are 500km+
Oh yeah, I don’t have an issue with them ruining their devices. I just have them locked down because I don’t want them to have free use on the internet. So much mindrot on there…
I’m very happy my 12y old kid can’t just sideload shit nilly willy. He legit Googles minecraft hacks and downloads random apks and stuff if he gets the chance)
(his phone is also fully locked down with parental because a 12y old should have free reign on the internet, but that’s beside the point)
Ofcourse not, I also use fdroid and I sideload a shitton of apps. But Google is not killing off alternate stores, they’re just making their store safer. My whole point is that this change is not that negative. If anything it’ll have a positive effect on non tech savvy users. It’ll save me time by potentially causing less issues on the devices of family members.
That final part isn’t really Google’s fault no? But just the devs cutting functions?
Yeah, I read it. Didn’t think much of it. Are those apps that common? Don’t use them, as my browser can read pdf and text files.
Sounds more like some fringe apps will get caught in the cross hairs. Still sounds like a good change for the average end user. For the average power user, it won’t make a difference imo.
I mean, I know lemmy has an open source hardon and hates anything walled, but is this really such a bad thing? Google is getting rid of a bunch of shitty apps and risky apps. Nothing is stopping you from still sideloading them if you really need them.
I really fail to see the actual issue aside from “google bad”
Also more commonly known as black for us simple folk.
I’ve seen multiple ppl review them and say they are complete shit.
The lack of staggering between the rows would drive me nuts. Fuck that…