☭ Comrade Pup Ivy 🇨🇺

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • And what agian id the deff of dictator, I could easily argue Troudou, Mary Simon or Charly III could be dictators of canada, and Biden the dictator of the US

    Also with the bullying, repeated malicious name calling check, constant, and at this point with how many times we have explained to the post I have to assume intetional and malicious miss understanding, Constant calling us facists, and agian, as was explained to you before Communists are not Facists and we dont support trump, nor do we “enable” him, and calling us all “privlaged white boys” agian I would love to direct you to our demographics survey

    But the behavior you have been demonstrating is the behavior consistant of a bully, not I, not my fellows from Lemmygrad, not those from Hexbear, so I would recommend, as one human to another, that you take a seat, and reflect, because clearly something is stuck in your craw, and I genuinely hope it gets

  • To summarize, a man Patrik Thelwell threw an egg in the general direction of Charley, the court ordered a 500 m restraining order (I will agree perfectly reasonable) from Charles and his wife, and the other is he is banned from publicly possessing eggs. That was late 2022, early 2023 he was arrested on suspicion carrying eggs. They also alegedly have counter terrorism following them.

    I understand that all in all this is quaint considering what the US would do if for example eggs where thrown in the direction of Joe Biden, Offically the sentence was a year of community service (along with the no eggs and restraining order) but it still seems beyond rediculous. and I would say what the US would do is incredably extreme. The restraining order and Community service would have been sufficent

  • Except that isnt what was said what was said is that the United States will reject any peace treaty that does not include total Russian withdrawal, they are not just giving support in general, or to a point in particular, but dictating a term. This is a conflict that offically the US is not a party to and as such the US should not be making statements like this. Agian in my opinion it should not go farther than “The United States supports Ukraine in their efforrs for peace, and for all reasonable terms they put forward” if they go farther and they wanted to show it in support it would have been “As stated before, The United States suports the Ukrainian position, including the one mentioned by [offical X] on [Day y] that any peace would include total Russian withdrawl” given nither happened, it can only be taken as the US dictating terms for a thing that they have no buisness or right setting terms for

  • They say they want peace and are willing to hold talks, I am mot sure what your getting at, in no war ever has the beginning of peace talks been the cesation of the war, and how the war ends is determined by said peace talks, talks that of right bow are not happening.

    Now if you are trying to argue that the mere act of trying to hold peace talks or offering to hold peace talks, or holding peace talks is taking a position in the war? I dont think we need to inform Switzerland that they have infact never been nutral in any conflict they mediated.

    As for what China wants, they have stated all they want is peace many times, they do not have a horse in the race on who gets what, that makes them the ideal mediators.