First of all, let’s try to avoid American-bashing, and stay respectful to everyone.

I’ll start: for me it’s the tipping culture. Especially nowadays, with the recent post on ! with the 40% tip, it just seems so weird to me to have to pay extra just so that menu prices can stay low.

    1 year ago

    You’re talking about a stereotype of a very small subset of Americans. You’re basing your fears on the extremist online postings that aren’t really indicative of Americans in real life in the majority of the country. If you have legitimate reasons to be afraid to leave your house, then I strongly urge you to move. I can’t imagine you’d have much tying you to the area if you never even go outside.

      1 year ago

      You’re talking about a stereotype of a very small subset of Americans.

      If they really were just a very small subset of Amercians, they wouldn’t be able to pass legislation based on their intolerance and hatred of others.

      1 year ago

      I dunno, did you hear about… Trump? Or DeSantis? Who said he wants to “eradicate transgenderism”? Or that since the start of 2023 there have been close to 600 new anti-trans bills? …I have no idea in what world you live, but in mine, transphobia, or at this point it isn’t even “phobia” but just “hate” (I mean, who even came up with the “They want your kids!!” thing??) is sadly a very real thing. We are that what have been some decades ago the gays, before that the women, before that the Jews, before that black people, et cetera. Humans are a very stupid race that’s always doing the same bad things, while just replacing the target group… not learning anything from it at all. By the way, did you know that if you eat meat, you support pigs getting put into GAS CHAMBERS? Where did I hear that before… huh…

      Also, sure. Help me move. I would do that. In a heartbeat. But I assume more than big words I don’t have to expect from you? And uhh… where do I move to? Also, I live in a country where the far-right wing party has 30%. Please forgive me for being scared, to know, that minimum 30% of my country are still nazis, I guess.