• UltraGiGaGigantic@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Was it worth it, drug warriors? All the unnecessary deaths, at the hands of police and unregulated drugs of a unknown potency? Was it worth sacrificing all our civil liberties on the vain funeral pyre that is the United States of America?

    When humanity is victorious in the drug war and all drugs are legalized, will drug users criminalize sobriety?

    Will people high as fuck demand everyone to piss in a plastic cup to make sure they are high?

    Will drug users ruin sober people’s lives with felonies and time in prison with hardened criminals?

    Will drug users dissolve civil liberties and prop up a bipartisan police state that gives cops a license to kill?


    Who would want to do that to someone? To a fellow human for doing what they want with their own bodies? Prohibitionists… that’s who. And we are not them

    Feel fortunate we want justice, not retribution.

    Nothing lasts forever drug warriors. Tick tock. We will be free one day, and you will wail and moan and your cries will fall on deaf ears.

    Now playing The War on Drugs - Red Eyes