As someone with good parents, I get very demoralized hearing about how ungodly awful most peoples’ parents were. It’s so ubiquitous that I almost (almost but not quite) subscribe to the philosophy my friends have where they hold that children should (literally) be raised “by the village” rather than by two parents, which in theory would minimize the effects of one imbalanced mind having full control over the children.

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of books on narcissism and have been picking up on the idea/notion/possibility/viewpoint that narcissism is a spectrum like autism is. In autism, which itself is incredibly common due to the fact that it’s multiple genes/processes/whatever performing multiple parts of a spectrum (think a carpet representing humanity and a shattered cup on the carpet, I use the shards in this visual to represent pieces of the spectrum scattered across humanity, apologies if anyone thinks a shattered cup seems like a negative comparison, I don’t), you have the majority of humanity having some variance in it, which goes to demonstrate there’s no such thing as a neurotypical. As in, if a scouter was invented that instead of scanning your power level scanned your autism level, everyone would have their very own signature number. I would be over 9000. Same with narcissism, if this view is correct, as it would be another shattered glass on the carpet that is humanity, with the shards from both glasses overlapping in their territories (which when you think about it makes the family dynamics in The Good Doctor all the more awkward, it’s one spectrum at odds with another in a show where the main character is a medical savant with autism). And again, not trying to make an awkward comparison, I have friends who openly confess to me they’re deep on the narcissism spectrum, and these people at least are trying their best in life, as well as showing narcissism is a neutral condition that just happens to seem more negative in modern urban situations.

Consider this the sequel to my last such question which had a similar idea to it. What’s the most narcissisty your parents ever come or came, even if you hold them in generally good regards?

    2 months ago

    My mom was very strict with me as a child, but I don’t think it was narcissistic. She was very focused on my education. I had to do well and get a good job. But it was because she wanted me to have good health insurance as I have had chronic health issues from birth. I have a good job now, my student loans are paid off, and she was right about me needing good health insurance. Our relationship is lovely now. But I’ll probably always remember the time that I skipped a homework assignment and she spit in my face.

        2 months ago

        Yeah, she definitely crossed the line that time. It was probably the most mad I have ever seen her. I can’t remember if that was also when she slapped me, or if that was something else. But really, those were the worst instances and the other 98% of my childhood was very good. And we really do have a very good relationship today. I don’t think I deserved it, or any child would deserve that. My schooling was just a hotbutton issue for her, and I pushed it really hard that time.

    2 months ago

    I asked my mom if she ever made mistakes and without skipping a beat she just says no. Looked at me like I was asking something very strange. I was maybe 13 or so when I asked.

    2 months ago

    All my life I thought that she would love me, if I achieved certain test scores or finished a certain degree.

    Then there was high school graduation night. I had worked really hard to get there and I will never forget how she made that annoyed face to let me know that she wanted to leave early. It was like a punch in the gut because it became clear to me at that point that there was nothing I could do to make her love me.

    She wasn’t capable of giving love. That’s really fucking sad and I am still grappling with it, but it gets easier.

    2 months ago

    Our neighborhood had large community mailboxes and my dad would always make me walk down the street to get the mail. One day there were some older kids outside and they started squirting me with water-guns. I got home and told my dad and he asked me to show him where the kids were. When I did he yelled at them saying, “don’t squirt my mail!”

    The sad thing is I though he was talking about me, as in male. It wasn’t until years later I realized he didn’t give a crap about me, he was mad his mail got wet.

    It’s by far not be the most narcissistic thing my dad did, (that would be beating the shit out of me for not wanting to go to church because it made him look bad). But I think about it often because I want my kids to know they are the most important thing to me, and I never want to say something that would make them think otherwise.

    2 months ago

    My father was a good man, through and through, but he didn’t always think about the consequences of his actions. He ran his own business quite well for many years, and my mother and I were well taken care of right up to when he died and beyond.

    However, for a few years before he retired, the business wasn’t doing well. He kept it afloat with his retirement fund, and drained it pretty quickly. He never touched mom’s half nor what he’d set aside for me. Mom found out and forced him to shut the place down and retire early.

    However, because he spent all that money keeping the business afloat, he had to keep working to make any kind of income. He went and got his CDL and drove busses for the city and the school in the small town he and my mom lived in for a bit before taking a job as an instructor at the small local college.

    It was during one of these days out teaching his students that he got bit by a mosquito and contracted West Nile Virus. It affected his health like less than 1% of people that contract it. It attacked his nervous system, and he was unable to breathe unassisted. Mom, having medical power of attorney, told the doctors to pull the plug after a month with no improvement.

    Because he elected to keep all his employees employed, he had no retirement fund, forcing him to continue working and thus putting himself into a position to be bit by that mosquito. His kindness killed him, if indirectly, and about a decade late.

      2 months ago

      It must have been crushing to shut down your baby that you’ve nurtured for many years, and has nurtured you. I’ve known a lot of older folks with dying business, trying desperately to keep them afloat until they physically cannot anymore.

      I think another contributing factor is the hit to your pride. Going from accomplished ceo, back down to a lowly employee. Having to admit that you’ve “fallen down the corporate ladder”.

      I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’m beginning a business very young and don’t plan to keep it going forever. It’s mostly a hobby, and while it’d be nice to be set for life, it ultimately wouldn’t provide enough for the way I’d want to live (starting family and living in a decent home).

      On another hand, ADHD has been a blessing since I have many other skills from previous hyper fixations that could land me a decent job.

        2 months ago

        I don’t think he realized the mark he left on so many lives. The world is a darker place without him in it, and his business was a big part of who he was. His business was a clinic for folks that’d lost limbs. He manufactured prosthetics and orthotics. Many times the folks coming in the door were poor farmers. They didn’t have insurance or money. Didn’t matter to dad, he always found a way to get his customers what they needed.

        Hell, I remember being a kid. One of my childhood friends was moving, and another friends family was being evicted. My father bought the house of the family moving away and GAVE it to the family that was being evicted.

        I heard a story from mom about after they had moved in together. He used to fill a shoebox with coins over the course of a year, then let kids grab a handful as they’d come by the house for Halloween.

        He was a Christian man. I’m not a believer anymore, but he’s the sole reason I ever was. He’s the only person I ever knew to be a Christian that actually, and forgive the phrase, put his money where his mouth was.

        He wasn’t a proud man. He hated when he had to do anything that drew attention to himself, and despised when anyone would bring attention to him. He was a humble, kind, loving man. He’s dearly missed.

    2 months ago

    My mother says it’s my fault my brother is gay, because I showed him how to use the Internet. The Internet then didn’t even have websites, and we used telnet talkers, which was literally just people chatting in text format, it even predated ICQ or AOL or anything. It certainly wasn’t a place you’d turn someone gay, not that that’s a thing you can really do. She just hates that he’s gay even though we were brought up to embrace LGBT people long before people were really out.

      2 months ago

      Right, everyone knows telnet makes you gay.
      It’s all detailed in the RFC854 for the telnet protocol by J. Reynolds and J. Postel. (Gay was pronounced with a J back then, like gifs)
      That’s why they later invented SSH to uh… secure you from… the… gay packets…?

      Source: am network engineer.

      Sorry your mom sucks.

        2 months ago

        It’s ok. I don’t talk to her anymore so she can live with the consequences of a lifetime of her garbage behaviour. But yes telnet has the secret gay sprinkles in it.

  • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
    2 months ago

    Emotionally manipulated me back into multiple abusive situations to act as her shield, and has refused to so much as acknowledge what was going on. Can’t even have a talk about it, it’s just shut down immediately.

    Now she doesn’t even know that she has a daughter instead of a son, and never will.

    2 months ago

    A few years back my family and I went to my cousins wedding a few states away, we decided on driving rather than flying due to covid airfare prices. So it was my mom, dad, brother, niece, and myself. My brother and I were both in our late twenties at this point in time so it was kinda weirdly nostalgic.

    Anyway, on our way back from the wedding, we were driving through the cornfields of Pennsylvania when we noticed a few oddly parked cars on the side of the road. It was near a stop sign so we had plenty of time to figure out what was going on. A guy on a bicycle was hit by a car and laying on his back surrounded by people on the side of the road.

    My mom is a nurse so I immediately asked her if we should pull over, she thought about it for a few seconds and said no we are meeting your sister in Cleveland for dinner and we can’t be late. So we kept on driving. A few minutes later, she looks back and realizes how selfish of a decision she just made right in front of my 8 year old niece, so she says we should all pray for the man. Me and my brother just looked at eachother in awe as she proceeds to recite the Hail Mary.

    2 months ago

    My wife’s parents are pretty bad. The worst thing that comes to mind immediately (sure there are worse) was a time we recommended and watched Baby Driver. We had good reasons to believe she’d enjoy it (not relevant why and not going to get bogged in unnecessary details). Literally as soon as the movie ends she says to my wife “Well, it just shows how much we’ve drifted apart because I did not like that movie.”

    So, things sort of escalate and we’re packing to leave because why the hell would we stay after a comment like that. She’s already got crocodile tears and has twisted the situation around to make her seem like the victim. Stuff like “but you never do talk to me” blah blah blah.

    She’s always so paranoid about being viewed as a bad mother by her children, but rather than ever apologize for anything or try to improve its always just the passive aggressive “you must think I’m terrible” at the smallest things. It’s so manipulative. It’s like she knows saying it over tiny things will get her family to be comforting and insist it isn’t true. Meanwhile when she does actually out of line things she never says that sort of thing and instead tries to be the victim. It’s disgusting.

    I really really dislike my wife’s parents. I’ve found peace and am able to be cordial but holy fuck.

    2 months ago

    That’s an interesting hypothesis you’ve cultivated. It needs additional testing, however, I’d like to add on the impact of intergenerational trauma and genetic drift, there’s systemic runoff of abuse which impacts future generations within a specific animal group, resulting in evolutionary and social adaptations.

    Enough of these adaptations kill a planet or a species, I’m afraid.

    2 months ago

    Lately I’ve been reading a lot of books on narcissism and have been picking up on the idea/notion/possibility/viewpoint that narcissism is a spectrum like autism is. In autism, which itself is incredibly common due to the fact that it’s multiple genes/processes/whatever performing multiple parts of a spectrum (think a carpet representing humanity and a shattered cup on the carpet, I use the shards in this visual to represent pieces of the spectrum scattered across humanity, apologies if anyone thinks a shattered cup seems like a negative comparison, I don’t), you have the majority of humanity having some variance in it, which goes to demonstrate there’s no such thing as a neurotypical. As in, if a scouter was invented that instead of scanning your power level scanned your autism level, everyone would have their very own signature number. I would be over 9000. Same with narcissism, if this view is correct, as it would be another shattered glass on the carpet that is humanity, with the shards from both glasses overlapping in their territories (which when you think about it makes the family dynamics in The Good Doctor all the more awkward, it’s one spectrum at odds with another in a show where the main character is a medical savant with autism). And again, not trying to make an awkward comparison, I have friends who openly confess to me they’re deep on the narcissism spectrum, and these people at least are trying their best in life, as well as showing narcissism is a neutral condition that just happens to seem more negative in modern urban situations

    This is a pseudopsychological word salad, but please accept my apology if you’re 14 or chatgpt prompted for redditisms, if that’s the case good job.

  • Not my parents, but I’ve had a narcissist work colleague pester me about my partner and I not wanting to have kids, trying to convince us I guess, using her ultimate argument

    Her: But… you need to have kids so they take care of you when you’re old!

    Me: So… wait. Is that the reason you had kids?

    Her: Well yea! (like that’s the only logical answer, duh)

    Me: … wow …

    Fast forward. Her kids are all grown up now, they’ve since cut all contact and she hasn’t seen them nor her grandkids in years. I run into them once in a while and I’ve helped them out with a handful of times with things like moving or maintenance or tax reports or whatever. There’s a few things they never really got to learn growing up and anything they could ever do was never good enough for her, even though she’s terrible at most things.

    Now and then, she’d still complain about them being ungrateful and I’d just ignore her… she’s never once come even close to the self-awareness that she drove them away by being a narcissist asshole.
    She’s retired now, so neither of us have to deal with her now.

    Great fucking plan, having kids to guilt trip them into caring for you…
    They had the guts to move on and I’m proud of them.
    I was probably the first to tell them so, some random passerby.
    Fuck narcissists.

    2 months ago

    I can’t remember what I suggested to my father but a little bit of time went by and he introduced the same thing as his own idea. It wasn’t anything terribly important. And I think the reality was just that I planted the seed and he forgot by the time he came around to it. But I still found it distressing because of years of family shit.

  • Call me Lenny/
    2 months ago

    My parents wanted to be so hands-off they would let me and my sisters have collective authority over each other. This led to utter disaster.

    2 months ago

    Someone I know was hospitalized and their parent seemed more concerned about how it inconvenienced them than the person in the hospital.