The Belgian Council presidency seems set to greenlight Chat Control on Wednesday 19 June.
This confirms fears: the proponents of Chat Control want to exploit the situation after the European Elections, in which there is less public attention and the European Parliament is not yet constituted.
If Chat Control makes it through the Council now, there is a risk that the Parliament in its new composition will not fight as fiercely as before and surrender our previous wins.


On Thursday, 13 June, ministers were set to debate a progress report. (Find a recording here) The Belgian Council presidency announced that they will present a new compromise proposal afterwards. According to documents leaked by, the session to seek an agreement on it will already take place on Wednesday, 19 June.

    4 months ago

    This won’t stop actual predators.

    This will punish normal people, the actual criminals will just use something else, like always.

    Fuuuuuccckk these inept computer illiterate idiots that come up with this… Is what I would say if I didn’t know this is just thinly veiled attempt #364163549 at getting rid of encryption so that they can monitor the everything while nobody else can, of course…