After thinking about it for a long time I came to the conclusion that I’m OK with ads. They are not so annoying to me and as long as they are not popping out or really interfering forcefully I fine with them being there. As far as I can see ads are the de-facto fuel for a broad part of the content-creation monetization system which I consume heavily (mainly YouTube).

so, I want to configure my set-up so it won’t block all the ads (especially not on YouTube). But, I do think that the amount tracking this days sites have is highly exaggerated and unnecessary (I worked on data-science so I can say that with a bit of confidence). Therefor I do want to block trackers and third-party cookies if possible.

Currently using Firefox both on my Macbook and my Android phone (with Duckduckgo as my search engine).

Is the above possible? Which extensions might be relevant?

Thanks And please don’t kill\cancel me :)

    1 year ago

    Yeah, that’s what I haven’t figured out yet either. How do you make it a fair amount between a content creator and an email client developer, between one person, a corporation and a non-profit?

    I have settled on not trying to make it a science. I can only give what I have, so always when I feel that I have financial breathing room (paycheck comes in and no urgent payments due) I am going to the relevant places and donate what I feel I can afford. While not perfect, I feel I should be proud about doing what I can rather than beat myself up over whether I could spend more, which a lot of free users will never think about in the first place. Otherwise I’d only go crazy.

    The donations will go to what/who I feel like I have used/appreciated most since the last donations. So it’s mainly donations, not subscriptions which also helps not losing track and giving more than you can afford. Come to think of it, I also do not donate to the big creators whose content I consume as I guess they are rich enough. If you want a number, my last donation was 20€ to a small ASMR content creator. And for stuff that I use regularly like programs and apps (e.g. NewPipe 4€/month and KeePass 0.5€), my OS (3€), the hoster of the Piped instance I use (4€) etc. I have set up regular payments on Liberapay and such according to their tier system. I cannot afford all that much, so I am going for the small/medium tier according to my amount of usage (and I guess you should think about if they have running costs or not). If you are not constrained by money I guess you can just go for their higher tiers and vary them according to usage.

    I realise it does sound like a pretty bad science now as it’s both complicated and does not sound fair at all (e.g. OS gets too little, no?), but well… This write-up actually helped me understand my own ‘system’ better, so thanks for asking! :)