Imagine being such a loser that you have nothing better to do than post hate memes on lemmy. Good luck, dork.
Thanks mate, I know you secretly look forward to my posts and I’ll be back 👌
I don’t even really look at them, but ok
“i dont even really look at your memes and ignore that theres a built-in button for blocking people but …” lol, yeah i’m sure my memes didnt trigger all the little trannies that are bitching in the comments. uh huh. 👌 😘
You’re inflating your numbers.
Also your lungs.Neither of those is bringing much good to the world right now.
Neither of those is bringing much good to the world right now.
Kinda like trains genders 👌
You ok? The last person I saw think about trans people this much paid my friend $800 to piss on his face.
yeah, i’m good. they ain’t worth that much. i might donate some old rope but definitely wouldn’t pay them money. that’d be like giving a homeless person cash to buy booze with
People who are good don’t post this much about they obsession, champ. If you want to transition just do it. We won’t stop you.
my genders fine. if i want to transition to anything, itd be to being obscenely wealthy. hows bout i open a monero wallet and you can buy my a beer?
Why would I buy you anything? You’re a hate-filled piece of shit.
Get yourself worked out, bud.
oh, did these memes hit a little close to home? didnt realize you were trans. sorry, sir…
Everyone just report this reddit-trash douche bag and block him.
that’s cool, throwaways are super easy to creaet. i’ll just come back again 👌 😘
What a sad existence you must have. I’m very sorry that whatever happened in your life caused you to turn out this way. I sincerely hope you get better, but for your health and well-being, I’m going to block you so as not to contribute to your mental issues.
I wish you well.