My GTX-1080 is getting a little long in the tooth, I’m thinking of going all AMD on my Linux Mint gaming rig here, but…is there anything I need to do or install or uninstall to switch to an AMD card from an Nvidia one?

I’ve never done this before on a Linux system; I’ve got my Intel/Radeon laptop, and my Ryzen/GeForce desktop and that’s most of my Linux experience.

    1 year ago

    Provided that the approriate drivers and binary firmware blobs for the new card are already on your system (and with a user-friendly distro like Mint, they should be), I’d expect you to be able just to plug in and go. The only extra hoops I had to jump through while sidegrading from a 1050 to an AMD card of the same era were due to my having a hand-configured kernel and X setup with no AMD drivers.