To watch climate change is to know what the deer in the headlights must feel.
Powerless to change alter fate and prevent our death, while being forced to watch it’s screeching approach.
We’re witnessing the birth of the new pasture lands the deer will graze on after humanity has been roasted off the planet.
Think positive
I don’t think there are deer on Antarctica, or any herbivores for that matter. It would be interesting to wait thousands of years and see what comes around to fill that niche.
There aren’t any now
or just import cattle from Argentina in a few decades.
You’re conveniently failing to mention the millions of people who will suffer and die with no fault of their own. This is not positive thinking, it’s privilege and ignorace.
I think you’re missing the joke of the above comment
It’s positive for all the things that will thrive after humanity is gone.
So there’s that.
Runaway greenhouse effect. We’re taking the rest with us.
Eh, the tardigrades will probably survive. That’d be enough for me.
Who knows, in 75 million years, maybe there will be tardigrade descendants with extra legs wondering Wtf happened 75 million years ago to wipe out most life.
I didn’t conveniently fail to mention shit. I hate people and look forward to a lot of us dying from our own ecological mismanagement.
Tell that to younger generations in developing countries - they have done nothing wrong and will suffer because of other’s actions. It’s debatable how much people like you and me - provided you are someone selling labor and consuming averagely living in a developed country like me - can do compared to highly emitting upper-class people, but we certainly can’t just accept the consequences of climate change like it only affects us or we are the judges of letting it doom those least responsible but most affected.
We wouldn’t be powerless to change, though, if conservatives were not working tirelessly to prevent us from changing. Conservatives are holding the wheel and forcing us off the cliff. And they are mocking us as they kill us.
Deer usually have ample power to prevent their death; most of the time they have sufficient time to get out of the way, but they do not do so.
Which really makes the comparison even more on point, since as a whole our civilization could have taken action but chose not to.
Care to elaborate a bit more on the death part? You honestly think it’s going to kill you?
Yes. As someone on the gulf coast, I fear being without power for multiple hours in the summer one of these coming years, I could suffer heat stroke or actually die.
If couple hours without electricity is potentially lethal for you, then climate change is the least of your worries.
There are temperature/humidity ranges that make it impossible for any human to be able to cool themselves off through sweating. If we surpass that point and don’t have AC, all humans experiencing that temperature/humidity will die after a period of time.
Nobody is safe when the atmosphere itself is lethal to human life.
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Damn liberals, first we need to plant more trees now suddenly plants are bad for the environment? When will you snowflakes make up your mind /s
Isn’t this how alien plagues start?
Isn’t there supposed to be a cylinder, a green flash in the sky and a green mist?
That’s when it calls home after finding a sustainable form for parasitic takeover. Right now the bacteria are just thawing out.
but it’s flowers in Antarctica
It’s just all the dead
saying “so long and thanks for all the fish”.
So are these goddam communist scientists saying that penguins don’t deserve flowers?!?!
Life, uh, finds a way…
Well at least the apocalypse will be pretty
The antarctic treaty expires in 2048. Just 25 years away…
February 22
We haven’t had signs for 18 months, that ain’t bad
No. You just didn’t notice. For example just recently:
Yeah of course I wasn’t serious.
I was pointing out the silliness of referring to something that old as “latest”. This article was just necroed by unilad and suddenly it’s fresh news again.
Oh I see. Okay. Didn’t notice that you weren’t being serious. Thanks for the clarification.
we’ll just have to move to antarctica, problem solved
Antarctica right now
So are these goddam communist scientists saying that penguins don’t deserve flowers?!?!
“signs of life show the catastrophe approaching”
Edit: I’m so sorry. I ment to write that in sarcasm font.
There’s not supposed to be that kind of life there, that’s the problem.
I mean, there’s not supposed to be anything anywhere. Life fills niches. There’s no “supposed to” about it. Whether that’s good or bad for other life is a different matter.
You must be fun at parties.
Depends on the conversation. There are a lot of misunderstandings around evolution.
“but the climate is always changing”
Too bad we built a civilization on the assumption it wouldn’t
Good for Antartica, bad for the rest of the planet.
Like when you’re chilling on a beach and all the crabs come out of the ocean and walk past you uphill.
Or when you’re walking in the middle of the desert and these large birds start circling overhead.
Or like raaaaaiiiinnnnn, on your wedding day,