• kimjongunderdog
    118 months ago

    Tell me you know jack shit about prepping without telling me you know jack shit about prepping.

    • DekkiaA
      318 months ago

      I feel like there are two kinds of preppers.

      OP is clearly making fun of only one of them.

      • Count Regal InkwellOP
        258 months ago

        Now like all meems, I stole this And the person I stole this from seems to be someone who understands what actual prepping would look like, possibly even someone who’s done it, and is making fun of all the “this is my bunker, I have 200 guns and 40 kilograms of canned food. What? First aid? That’s for womens.” type preppers.

        • You’ve met this “type of prepper”? Know anyone who has? I’ve known a lot of preppers, and First Aid stuff, as well as maintaining connections with people who have medical experience, was a priority for all of them.