• FaceDeer
    106 months ago

    Same here. Well, aside from being a completely different person from TheAlbatross. I guess I’d go shopping, just in case there ends up being a big rush on supermarkets (and thus ironically contributing to any such rush). I’d also ping my financial manager and let him know he can do whatever he needs to with my investments to keep them healthy in the no doubt very turbulent financial times to come.

    Anything else, it’s probably too late to “get ahead” of (such as for example buying new computer hardware before Taiwan’s chip fabs go offline for a while) so I’ll just make do with what I’ve got and keep watching the news with interest.

    • eatham 🇭🇲
      26 months ago

      You’d still be able to get Intel chips, so an upgrade wouldnt be impossible. However, they would probably get overloaded and always be out of stock due to having to supply for literally everyone.